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About Us


Providing Innovative Services to the Health Care Industry Since 2007

At OffSite Care, our mission is to provide high-quality, convenient, and accessible healthcare services to patients through virtual consultations and remote monitoring. Our team of dedicated healthcare professionals is committed to delivering personalized care and support to patients, regardless of their location or circumstances.

“At OffSite Care we are committed to providing high-quality, accessible, and patient-centered care through telemedicine. We believe in the potential that telemedicine has to revolutionize the healthcare industry and our team is proud to be at the forefront of this innovative and transformative movement. We look forward to continuing to serve our patients with compassion, professionalism, and excellence, and we look forward to sharing our best practices with you.”

A middle-aged man with short, graying hair is smiling. He is wearing a blue collared shirt under a dark sweater. The background of the image has been removed, leaving a transparent or solid color backdrop.
Jeff Dunbar

Cheif Executive Officer

Our Mission

The OffSite Care Mission is to provide high-quality, convenient, and accessible healthcare services to patients through virtual consultations and remote monitoring.

Our Vision

We believe in the potential telemedicine has to revolutionize the healthcare industry, eliminating barriers like time and distance between patient and provider, transforming the industry so that one day telemedicine will be synonymous with medicine.

Our Value

Since 2007, OffSite Care has been delivering innovative telemedicine solutions through collaboration with hospitals, physicians, and staff to improve patient care and outcomes.

Results on the range of outcomes that were found in studies on Tele-ICU implementations.

Outcome category Studies Reporting on outcomes Those reporting positive results
Length of stay 21 12
Mortality 19 13
Compliance 8 7
Economics 9 6
Transfer 2 1

J Med Internet Res. 2021 Nov; 23(11): e32264


Telehealth aligns with the expectations of today's consumers, providing effortless and constant access to physicians directly from their smartphones or laptops in our on-demand world.

Looking ahead, the future of telemedicine excites us on both the commercial and consumer sides of healthcare delivery. In 2006, when our founder and medical director, James K. Gude MD, envisioned bringing big city medicine to rural America through the internet, we couldn't have anticipated the rapid changes in the healthcare landscape. Adapting delivery models and embracing technological advancements has been crucial to our success and longevity in this evolving space. As Medicare and other healthcare payers catch up to field advancements, more players will enter the market, and telemedicine is poised to become synonymous with medicine.

An older man with grey hair is wearing a dark suit, light blue striped shirt, and a red bow tie with a blue pattern. He is smiling slightly and looking directly at the camera. The background is white.

“Adapting delivery models and embracing technological advancements has been crucial to our success and longevity in this evolving space. We look forward to continuing to serve our patients with compassion, professionalism, and excellence, and we look forward to sharing our best practices with you.”

Dr Gude

Founder/ Medical Director